I promised myself that I would sign into my blog every day and at least post something of interest that had happened during the day. O.K. - so that hasn't happened. What a surprise!
On Friday my good friend Patti came around and endeavoured to show me how to organise this blog. As you can see success didn't come easily. No pictures of finished items. No pictures of family or even of me, the blog writer. Friday is my day off and I promise myself that I shall spend some time attempting to upload photos.
I don't know what I caught this week but I do know that I have had to force myself to stay awake for the past few days. Come the evening I could cheerfully give up and go to bed. But I have forced myself to stitch mainly because I really want to get my Merry Cox ' Williamsburg' piece finished to show. Because I have been interspersing knitting with stitching I havn't managed to get as much done. I admit that I would usually have finished the project well before this in other years.
Work has been especially busy of late. I don't understand moves that promise to make a GP's surgery paperless turning out to mean 'Covered by more paper than one can ever deal with in the time allocated!!!!!' Whatever happened to 'put the patient first'???? Effectively it's now 'Fill every form in triplicate before the patient sits down in the consulting room and then send the triplicated forms on a journey around the surgery to different admin staff to be procesed'.
But - enough of this winging. Should anyone ever visit this blog they will think (maybe correctly) that I am a mad woman. I'm not - I just work in the NHS!
Textile Heritage - Tudor Rose Scissor Keep
1 week ago