I know it's been a long time but things have been happening here. My MIL is still no better and is proving to be a problem that no one can solve and my wonderful ex-MIL passed away on May 29th surrounded by love and happiness for her long life. I was lucky enough to spend some hours with her before she went and I'm very grateful for that.
So, I have only a few new things to show you. The first is by Sherri Jones of Patrick's Woods and is a piece called 'The Mermaids Two Tales'. I was lucky enough to take this class at Hilton Head on the east coast USA last October. Yes I know how long ago that is but please......... it's all back stitch and I kept picking it up to do a little every so often.
And then ...........I had to finish it.
The scrims inside are not part of the case. I already had these and thought that they would fit in quite nicely. The beautiful thread winder comes from Vikki Clayton
I decided to stitch this Prairie Schooler design over one. I saw it finished when I visited 'The Attic' in Mesa, Arizona. One of the ladies who worked in the shop had converted the DMC colours to Waterlillies and Belle Soie silks and I immediately fell in love with it.
Prairie Schooler
The most exciting thing that I have to tell you about are classes that we are organising for The Sampler Guild. Jackie du Plessis of 'It's Fineally Finished' has agreed to teach for us next May 2010 when she visits the UK. She will be teaching four of her designs over three days. The classes are becoming booked up so quickly which is wonderful. If you would find this of interest please check with The Sampler Guild web site for the information or contact me on my email address.
Kathy Barrick - A Christmas Pin Pillow
18 hours ago